MODA (Middle of Day Activities)
M.O.D.A. stands for Middle of Day Activities!
The early school start time has impacted our community partners ability to find volunteers for our traditional "Rise & Shine" program and our Fifth Graders raised the idea of doing more engaging activities during recess instead. We agreed!
Similar to "Rise & Shine," students have the opportunity for enriching activities they can access daily which include but are not limited to Power Pens, Unicycling, Basketball, Friendship Bracelets, Art Club, Dance and more.
Currently MODA is for 5th graders, but we hope to expand options to more students over time.
The ACLU, in its report, We Belong Here: Eliminating Inequity in Education for Immigrants and Students of Color in Maine, recognized East End’s Rise and Shine program for closing the opportunity gap:
“[Rise & Shine is an] example of how student empowerment in general can serve to improve equity, and how a school identified a structural obstacle to student success and worked not only to remove that obstacle but to transform it into an asset.”