East End Family Compact
Family and community partnerships are invaluable to our work at East End Community School. Our goal is to work with families and recognize them as experts on their student(s). Our EECS Family/School Compact helps the school and families partner together to ensure our students succeed. This compact is shared annually with families for review and feedback. Parents have the opportunity to comment and provide suggestions by contacting administration or participating via PTO or coffee with the principal.
East End School-Family-Student Compact
East End Staff, students and families agree that this compact outlines how our families, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for building and developing a partnership that will help students to be prepared and empowered to achieve in school, life, and work.
School Responsibilities
East End Staff will:
- Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that supports learners.
- Make communication a priority. We will be proactive and communicate with families on their student’s academic and overall progress. We will use a variety of strategies to communicate with our diverse families.
- Set high expectations for staff, students and families by ensuring a challenging curriculum, implementing programs targeted at increasing student achievement and committing to recruit, retain, and train qualified staff. Also, highlight/prepare ways that families can advance the learning environment at home.
- Provide a safe space where everyone is welcomed and valued.
- Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their student’s learning environment(s).
- Provide parents reasonable access to staff.
Family Responsibilities
We, as parents, will support our students’ learning in the following ways:
- Establish routines to support my student’s success:
- Appropriate bedtime
- Prioritize and monitor attendance
- Homework & reading (at home)
- Communicate to my student(s) the significance of success in school and its relationship with success in life.
- Partner with the school to ensure everyone feels welcomed and safe.
- Ensure that my student attends school on a regular basis and arrives at school on time.
- Stay informed and communicate with the school by promptly reading all notices from the school or the school district either received by my student or by mail, email or text and responding as appropriate.
Student Responsibilities
We, as students, will share the responsibility to improve our academic achievement and help to build a safe and welcoming school. Specifically we will:
- Be positive members of the school community. “Remember You Always Have a Choice, so Choose Kindness.”
- Attend school everyday (when we are not sick).
- Be respectful to ourselves and others. Treat others as you want to be treated.
- Be responsible by listening and helping.
- Practice reading time at home.